Building a React Native Chat App with Firebase and Firestore. Step-by-Step Guide

Building a React Native Chat App with Firebase and Firestore: Step-by-Step Guide

In this project, you’ll learn to build a real-time chat application using React Native, Firebase, Firestore, and Expo. By the end of this guide, you’ll have a solid understanding of how to manage Firestore data, listen to real-time updates, and create a functional chat app. Although we are keeping the project simple by skipping authentication, you’ll learn the essentials of Firebase integration with React Native to build scalable chat applications.

React Native Chat App: Initial Screen Setup

The first screen of the app prompts the user to enter their name. Once the name is provided, the user is taken to the chat screen. The chat interface has a clean and user-friendly design, displaying chat messages along with the sender’s initials, the date, and detailed timestamps. To handle the chat UI, the project use the React Native Gifted Chat library, a powerful tool with a multitude of features like message bubbles, avatars, and more—perfect for building any chat functionality.

Setting Up Your React Native Chat App Environment: Expo CLI and Dependencies

The development environment is set up by first installing Expo CLI, which is a handy framework for developing React Native apps. To get started, run the expo init command to create a new project named react-native-chat. After the project is initialized, the necessary dependencies are installed, which include Firebase for backend data management, React Native Gifted Chat for building the chat interface, and Async Storage to handle local storage needs. Once everything is set up, running the project in development mode is as simple as typing the expo start command. This command spins up your project and makes it accessible on a local server.

Integrating Firebase with React Native: Firestore Setup

Next, the app needs to be connected to Firebase for real-time data handling. To do this, navigate to, create a new Firebase project, and add a new application within Firebase. You will need to copy the Firebase configuration object and paste it into your app.js file. This step is critical for enabling Firebase’s backend services in your app. With Firebase successfully set up, the app can now use Firestore, Firebase’s real-time NoSQL database, to store and retrieve chat data.

Firestore Collection: Real-Time Chat Updates

In the app.js file, you’ll import both firebase and firebase/firestore to initialize the Firebase app. A new Firestore collection called chats is then created, which will store all chat messages. The app listens to real-time document changes in the chats collection, which allows it to update the state of the messages dynamically. Whenever a new message is added, modified, or deleted, Firestore’s real-time updates will be reflected immediately in the chat UI, providing an efficient user experience for ongoing conversations.

Handling User Messages with Firebase Firestore

One of the core functionalities of any chat app is sending messages. In this project, a function named onHandleSend is added, which gets triggered whenever the user sends a message. The function creates a new document in the chats collection within Firestore, storing the message data such as the sender’s name, timestamp, and the actual message. This seamless integration allows messages to be sent and stored in the database in real-time, enabling fast and efficient communication between users.

Optimizing Performance with React Native Hooks

To optimize the chat application’s performance, the project use a useEffect hook, which listens to state changes and updates the displayed messages in real-time. Additionally, a useCallback hook is implemented to memorize functions and avoid unnecessary re-renders of components. These hooks are vital for ensuring the smooth performance of the app, especially when dealing with real-time data that changes frequently. Properly managing these hooks helps in creating a highly efficient, responsive chat app with React Native.