Full Stack Vue App- Bucketlist App - Learn MEVN in one video with Mongo Express Vue and Node js

Full Stack Vue App: Learn MEVN in One Video with MongoDB, Express, Vue, and Node.js

In this tutorial, I’m going to guide you through building a full-stack Vue.js application using the MEVN stack. The MEVN stack comprises MongoDB, Express, Vue.js, and Node.js. Together, we’ll create a simple bucket list app where users can add, edit, and delete items effortlessly.

Setting Up MongoDB with MongoDB Atlas

The first step is to set up MongoDB, which will serve as the database for our MEVN app. I’ll be using MongoDB Atlas, a cloud-based service that simplifies the setup and management of MongoDB. While I could install MongoDB locally, I’ll stick with the cloud option for this tutorial to make things easier.

First, I’ll sign up for MongoDB Atlas and create a new cluster. For those just starting out or working on development projects, the free tier is ideal. After creating my cluster, I’ll click the "Connect" button to generate the connection string. This string is essential for configuring my Node.js backend to connect to the MongoDB database.

With MongoDB Atlas set up, I can now proceed to create my Node.js project.

Creating the Node.js Project

To get started, I’ll create a folder for my project. Then, I’ll initialize the Node.js application. Once that’s done, I’ll need to install the necessary dependencies for the backend. I’ll run a command to install Express.js, Mongoose, Body-Parser, CORS, and Morgan for logging—these will be crucial for building my API.

For easier development, I’ll also install Nodemon for automatic server restarts and Concurrently to run both the backend and frontend simultaneously.

Building the Express Server

Now it’s time to create the backend server using Express.js. I’ll create a file named server.js to set up my server. In this file, I’ll connect to MongoDB Atlas using Mongoose and configure CORS and body parsing functionalities. I’ll also set up Morgan to log requests, which will be particularly helpful during the development phase.

Creating the Vue.js Client

With the server ready, I’ll move on to building the Vue.js frontend. I’ll start by creating a new folder called client, and then I’ll initialize a new Vue project within it. Once my Vue project is set up, I’ll install Axios to handle HTTP requests, which will allow me to interact with my Node.js API.

Building Vue Components for the Bucket List App

The core functionality of my app will be managed within the App.vue component. This is where users will view their bucket list items, add new ones, and remove items as needed. In this component, I’ll set up a list that fetches items from the Node.js API, a form for adding new items, and buttons for removing items.

Running and Testing the Full-Stack MEVN App

Now that I have everything set up, it’s time to run the application. In the root directory of my project, I’ll create a script in my package.json to run both the backend and frontend at the same time.

I’ll start the MEVN app by executing the command to run the development scripts. This will initiate both the Node.js server and the Vue frontend, allowing me to access the app at http://localhost:8080.

Deploying Your Full-Stack Vue App

Once my app is functioning well locally, I’ll consider deploying it. One of the easiest ways to deploy a full-stack MEVN application is through Heroku. I’ll follow the instructions on Heroku’s website to deploy my Node.js app, ensuring I set up the necessary environment variables for the MongoDB connection string and other configuration details.


In this guide, I’ve walked you through creating a full-stack MEVN app from scratch, combining MongoDB, Express, Vue.js, and Node.js. By following these steps, you’ll end up with a functional bucket list app that lets users create, edit, and delete items. If you have any questions, feel free to leave them in the comments, and be sure to check out my video tutorial for more insights.

For more in-depth tutorials on MEVN stack development, Vue.js, and full-stack JavaScript, stay tuned for my upcoming content!