Google Calendar Clone with React

Creating a Google Calendar Clone with React, Hooks, Context API, and Tailwind CSS: A Step-by-Step Tutorial

This comprehensive video tutorial guides you through building a fully functional Google Calendar clone using React.js, React Hooks, React Context API, and Tailwind CSS. The project aims to replicate key features of Google Calendar, enabling users to seamlessly create, edit, delete, and hide events. It begins by showcasing the application's user interface, which closely mimics the popular Google Calendar interface, achieved through Tailwind CSS's responsive and modern design capabilities.

Key Features of the React Google Calendar Clone

This tutorial covers several crucial features, including creating new events, modifying existing ones, deleting unwanted events, and toggling event visibility. These core functionalities make the app highly practical for task and schedule management. The project also explores the use of React Context API to facilitate efficient communication between different app components, ensuring a smooth and cohesive user experience.

Setting Up the React Application

The coding portion begins with creating a new React project using Create React App, a tool that quickly scaffolds a React application with necessary configurations. Then I install key dependencies, including React, React Hooks, React Context, and Tailwind CSSā€”technologies crucial for building a dynamic, state-driven, and responsive calendar app.

Organizing Code in the Google Calendar Clone

To structure the codebase, I create a youtube.js file in the src folder, containing shared utility functions for use across multiple components. Key functions include getMonth(), which generates an array of days for a given month, and getCurrentClass(), which returns a CSS class for styling the current day, allowing users to easily identify today's date on the calendar.

Building the Core Components in React

The tutorial progresses to building core components, starting with the Header component that displays the app's logo and current day. Next, the Day component renders individual days within a month by looping through the array generated by getMonth(). The Event component displays scheduled events for each day, providing an overview of tasks and meetings. Lastly, the NewEvent component allows users to add new events to the calendar by inputting details such as event name, date, and time.

Managing State with React Context API

To manage state and handle inter-component communication, the author introduces the ContextWrapper component. This component encapsulates the entire application and utilizes the React Context API to share state across multiple child components. By using Context, the author eliminates prop drilling and ensures all components have access to necessary data.

Implementing Event Logic: Create, Edit, Delete, and Hide Events

The project implements core logic for managing events, including functions for creating, editing, deleting, and hiding events. These operations leverage React's state management, ensuring the calendar updates dynamically in real-time as events are modified. The centralized state management via Context API helps maintain a clean and efficient codebase.

Demonstrating the Final Product

Wait till the end to watch a demonstration of the working React Google Calendar clone!. Users can easily add new events, edit existing ones, delete unnecessary events, and hide specific entries. The interface is clean and responsive, thanks to Tailwind CSS, which provides an elegant and mobile-friendly design.


This tutorial serves as an excellent resource for developers aiming to build a Google Calendar clone using React.js, React Hooks, React Context, and Tailwind CSS. By following along, as a developer you'll gain valuable experience in constructing complex user interfaces, managing state with React Context, and creating reusable React components. The combination of modern tools and technologies makes this project an ideal choice for enhancing frontend development skills.